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You love freediving and have completed the SSI Level 1 FreeDiving course. New techniques, skills to further improve freediving, improve your breath-holding skills, dive deeper, increase your fluidity in water, learn more advanced ear equalization methods, FreeFall dives, or push your own limits a little further. SSI Level 2 and Level 3 trainings have excellent content and training program for you to improve your free diving skills and limits. You can consider following courses. With SSI Level 2, you can glide down to 30 meters. With SSI Level 3 you can reach 30+ easily and use advanced freediving techniques.


SSI Seviye Level 2 Serbest Dalış Kursu Freediving


If you have completed SSI Level 1 training then you can start SSI Level 2 training, where you can improve your diving knowledge and skills. In order to make dives between 20-30 meters comfortably and safely; It covers advanced diving knowledge and skills such as breathing, longer breath holding, advanced diving physiology, frenzel equalization technique, mammalian diving reflex, pre-freediving warm-up, stretching exercises, safety, freediving competition disciplines, dive planning and equipment preparation. With SSI Freediving Level 2, your your diving passport certificate will be elevated. By recording your dives with SSI App, you will be making preparations for SSI Level 3 Freediving training.

Who can participate: 18 years and older. Those between the ages of 15 and 18 can participate in this program with parental consent.  

Diving Equipment: Mask, Snorkel, fins, Wetsuit, Weight belt and safety lanyard (lanyard)

Duration: Four-days program, Theoretical lessons, 2 shallow water and 4 open water sessions  

Max. Depth: 30 m.

SSI Level 3 Serbest Dalış Kursu Freediving


Level 3, which is the maximum level of SSI Freediving training, prepares you towards 40 meters by adding the techniques used by deep diving athletes on top of the techniques you have learned and developed so far. With your Level 3 certification, you will increase your diving passport to the highest level. You can record your dives with SSI App and improve yourself further with PRO trainings or other specialist trainings that you can continue after SSI Level 3 Freediving trainings. Take a look at the Specialization Trainings..

Level 3 Topics: Professional freediving equipment, Preparing buoys and necessary materials before freediving, Blood shifting and Mammalian Diving Reflex (MDR), Lung Compressions and Barotraumas, Mouth-Fill Equalization, Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) Dives/Breathing dives, Flexibility of the rib cage, Relaxation and Positive motivation, Psychology of deep diving, Fitness training for freediving, Fluidity, Nutrition for freediving, O2 Oxygen and its importance, Rescue/Response/Revive - Advanced safety in freediving, Henry's Law and decompression diseases / Effect on nitrogen intoxication, Changes in deep waters.

Who can participate: 18 years and older. Having completed Level 2 training and 30 registered dives, being able to swim 400m without stopping  

Diving Equipment: Mask, Snorkel, Fins, Diving suit, Weight belt and safety lanyard, (Optional Nose clip and  fluid goggles)

Duration: Six-days program, Theoretical lessons, dry-land exercises, 2 shallow water and 5 open water sessions  

Max. Depth: 40 m.

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Kosuyolu Caddesi No: 57-1, 34718,

Kadikoy - Istanbul

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