Freediving is a very easy sport to start. Many free divers and spearfishing divers get into the sport by learning from their friends and family. However, if they do not receive a good and certified education, the knowledge learned by the master apprentice method may pose serious risks. Freediving is relatively simple. However, in order to dive safely and comfortably, many subjects such as physiology and diving technique must be well understood by the freediver and applied in practice.
It is also important to have a internationally recognized and valid freediving certificate if you plan to dive in multiple locations, freediving schools and countries. Your certificate and dive-logs prove your freediving level, learned skills, therefore kind of licence to dive. Actually it is your freediving passport.

It is recommended that the one wishing to freedive, start courses with a qualified instructor who teaches and certifies an internationally recognized diving system. Although the equipment used in freediving is less, it is very important to be aware of safety, techniques and risks when freediving. A poorly trained freediver may have to dive with serious compromises in safety and comfort. He will also have a hard time improving himself.
Freedivers and spearfishing divers, who start a systematic and standardized freediving training, realize that they are doing many risky and unproductive things before. After completing a comprehensive freediving training, they learn the correct and safe diving techniques, discovering that their skills as well as their self-confidence increase rapidly.
There is a lot of interesting information to learn in a freediving course:
Equipment – how to choose the right freediving equipment for your physique, skill and discipline
Mammalian diving reflex - the role of this reflex - which existed in humans evolution - in our dives.
Depth and pressure – how do the laws of physics affect your diving and your body underwater?
Equalization techniques – equalization methods for different depths and how to overcome equalization problems
Breathing techniques – how to breathe before and after freediving
Dive Buddy system – how to ensure efficient and effective dive safety
Rescue skills – rescuing a friend and yourself
Stretching exercises – the most effective stretching and relaxation techniques for freediving
Awareness of risks – Managing and planning a diving session
Weather – tides and currents etc.
Underwater environment – creatures, structures to watch out and avoid when necessary
Pool training – static and dynamic
Open water training – free immersion and fixed weight etc.
Buoyancy control – increasing hydrodynamics and efficiency
There are also additional freediving specialist courses such as competition disciplines, using monofins, spearfishing techniques, underwater photography and training techniques, among many other skills.
A corporate diving school offers you an internationally valid certificate, a online system to record your dives, trainings in accordance with standards under quality management and additional training opportunities according to your area of interest, diving and travel opportunities in other destination and countries.