You have learned freediving, and you want to improve your technique, breath holding time and underwater skills, but how can you continue your training? The best way to improve freediving is to dive where water and depth are together. Places where the water temperature is suitable offer an excellent diving environment.
However, especially in winter, both the surface and especially the bottom temperatures drop too much, it does not allow diving for a long time.

For this reason, many professional freedivers start their pool training in the winter months. There are many useful training methods that we can do in the pool in cities like Istanbul where diving in the sea is not ideal regardless of the season, or where there is no deep diving pool. In this way, you will both continue to improve your free diving skills and prepare for the dives you will make in the open sea.
Static apnea (breath holding) exercises in the pool
Swimming in the pool, dynamic apnea - fins or no fins diving, exercises to increase your breath holding and finning techniques and underwater fluidity.
Stretching (full body stretching, rib cage, and diaphragm-stretching) exercises
Walking apnea on land
Static apnea studies on land
O2-CO2 tables and exercises
Fitness-cardio exercises etc. in the gym, with many different alternatives, you can plan and regularly implement the most suitable training program for your needs.
Never do dynamic and in the water exercise alone or with people who have not had proper training before. You also need to have the appropriate position and environment for the ones that are done at home and on dry-land.
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You can check Training Techniques from the SPECIALIY menu that serves this purpose. You can also contact me for training and pool activities in Istanbul.