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Biodent Medical Products and Services Ltd. Sti. (“BIODENT” or “Company”) operated by  Protecting the privacy of those who visit the website (“Data Owner”) is one of our Company's leading principles.


With the Website Privacy Policy (“Policy”); Explanations are made about (1) the processing of the personal data of the Data Owners, and (2) the enforcement of the Website Privacy Policy.




With the policy, our visitors who visit our website are informed about the following issues:


  • Which personal data of the Data Owners is obtained, the method of collection of personal data and the legal reason;

  • The purposes for which the personal data of the Data Owners are processed;

  • With whom personal data of Data Owners can be shared;

  • Storage periods of personal data of Data Owners;

  • Rights of Data Owners;

  • Measures taken to ensure the security of personal data of Data Owners.

  • Which Personal Data of Data Owners are Obtained, Method of Collection of Personal Data and Legal Reason


Any information that makes your identity specific or identifiable is “personal data”. BİODENT carries out all kinds of activities necessary to act in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”) and relevant legislation in the processing of your personal data.


Your personal data obtained from your visit to our website are listed below:


  • Credentials

  • Communication information

  • Customer Transaction Information

  • Transaction Security Information

  • Marketing Information

  • Product/Service Usage Information

  • Request/Complaint Management Information

  • Your personal data is collected by BİODENT through cookies, which are technical communication files, due to your visit to our website.  


For What Purposes the Personal Data of Data Owners is Processed


Your personal data obtained from your visit to our website may be processed by BİODENT for the purposes listed below in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law:


  • Carrying out the necessary work by our business units and executing the relevant business processes in order to benefit the persons concerned from the products and services offered by the company,

  • Planning and executing the activities necessary to recommend and promote the products and services offered by the company to the relevant persons by customizing them according to the tastes, usage habits and needs of the persons concerned,

  • To carry out the necessary work by our relevant business units for the realization of commercial activities carried out by the company and to carry out the related business processes,

  • Planning and execution of the company's commercial and/or business strategies,

  • Ensuring the legal, technical and commercial-occupational security of the Company and the persons who have a business relationship with the Company.

  • With whom Personal Data of Data Owners can be Shared


Your personal data obtained, in accordance with the purposes of processing your personal data, to our business partners (such as outsourcing service providers, hosting service providers, research companies, call centers), our shareholders, affiliates, legally authorized public institutions and private individuals. It can be transferred within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles .


Storage Periods of Personal Data of Data Owners


Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the law and other relevant laws, personal data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized by BİODENT in the event that the reasons requiring its processing are eliminated.


BİODENT, in accordance with the Law, will be able to preserve personal data during the statute of limitations determined by the relevant legislation to be used within the scope of any possible dispute. In this case, the stored personal data is not accessed for any other purpose and is only accessed when it is required to be used in the relevant legal dispute.


Rights of Data Owners


Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law, Data Owners have the following rights regarding their personal data:


  • Learning whether personal data is processed or not,

  • If personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

  • Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,

  • Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,

  • Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and requesting notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,

  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing have disappeared, although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVK Law and other relevant laws, and requesting the notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,

  • Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

  • To request the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to unlawful processing of personal data.

  • BİODENT, in accordance with the Law, within the administrative and technical possibilities; It operates the systems necessary to enable Data Owners to use their personal data.


Your claims regarding your rights  If you send it to our Company using the methods in the Contact Form, it will be concluded free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, BİODENT may charge the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.


Measures Taken to Ensure the Security of Personal Data of Data Owners


In line with the importance our company attaches to the protection of personal data and ensuring data security, in accordance with Article 12 of the KVK Law, in order to ensure data security by our Company,


  • To prevent the unlawful processing of personal data,

  • To prevent unlawful access to personal data,

  • To ensure the protection of personal data,

takes all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security for the purpose.




Website Privacy Policy is dated 12.12.2018. In case of renewal of all or certain articles of the Policy, the effective date of the Policy will be updated.


The policy is published on the BIODENT website ( ) and made available to the relevant persons upon the request of the personal data owners.


You can reach detailed information about the security of personal data obtained by BİODENT by contacting us.

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